Annotated Bibliography of Hazard and Flood-Related Articles
Ashley, S.T., and W.S. Ashley, 2008: Flood fatalities in the United States. American Meteorological Society, 47(3), 805-818.
The objective of this paper is to discuss the distribution of flood fatalities in the United States from 1959 to 2005. The database used for this study included the following…
Adeola, F.O., 2003: Flood hazard vulnerability: A study of Tropical Storm Allison (TSA) flood impacts and adaptation modes in Louisiana. Quick Response Research Report #162, Natural Hazards Center.
This article assesses the impacts from Tropical Storm Allison (TSA) that hit Louisiana in 2001. Questionnaires were given to residents in four subdivisions that were affected by TSA in order…
Bell, H. M., & Tobin, G. A., 2007: Efficient and effective? The 100-year flood in the communication and perception of flood risk. Environmental Hazards, 7(4), 302-311.
This thesis focuses on the issues with flood communication. The author evaluates four methods used to communicate flood risk, including a 100 year flood, a flood with a 1% likelihood…
Brommer, D.M., & Senkbeil, J.C., 2010: Pre-landfall evacuee perception of the meteorological hazards associated with Hurricane Gustav. Natural Hazards, 55(2), 353–369.
Brommer and Senkbeil surveyed residents who evacuated during Hurricane Gustav in 2008 in order to understand whether meteorological variables influenced their evacuation behaviors. Among all three zip codes studied, storm…
Cahyanto, I., Pennington-Gray, L., Thapa, B., Srinivasan, S., Villegas, J., Matyas, C., & Kiousis, S., 2014: An empirical evaluation of the determinants of tourist’s hurricane evacuation decision making. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2(4), 253-265.
Tourists are an under-researched population when it comes to understanding what causes someone to evacuate during a hurricane. However, tourists are a vulnerable population who are often unfamiliar with both…
Cutter S.L. and C.T. Emrich, 2006: Moral hazard, social catastrophe: The changing face of vulnerability along the hurricane coasts. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 604: 102-112.
The focus of this article is on the increased vulnerability of the coastal populations to hurricanes. As more and more people begin to live along the coasts, the issue of…
Donahue, A, 2012:. Disaster risk perception, preferences, and preparedness. University of Connecticut, Department of Public Policy, West Hartford, Connecticut.
This report by the Department of Public Policy at the University of Connecticut discusses the findings from a survey of residents nationwide regarding how they perceive risk and disasters. A…
Fischhoff, B., 1995: Risk perception and communication unplugged: Twenty years of process. Risk Analysis. 15(2), 137-145.
This is a personal piece that pinpoints the various stages of risk communication resources through the years. Fischhoff in a sense identifies the historical periods within the field of risk…
Lazo, J.K., Morss, R.E., and J.L. Demuth, 2009: 300 billion served: Sources, perceptions, uses, and value of weather forecasts. Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, 785-798.
This article discusses findings from a nationwide internet-based survey on how people perceive, use, and value weather forecast information. The focus is on how people perceive and make decisions using…
Morrow, B., 2009: Risk behavior and risk communication: synthesis and expert interviews. SocResearch Miami. Final report for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Coastal Services Center, Charleston, SC.
This final report for NOAA’s Coastal Services Center describes in detail the 1) risk perception process, 2) influences on risk perception, and 3) potential effective strategies to reduce risk to…