Cutter S.L. and C.T. Emrich, 2006: Moral hazard, social catastrophe: The changing face of vulnerability along the hurricane coasts. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 604: 102-112.

The focus of this article is on the increased vulnerability of the coastal populations to hurricanes. As more and more people begin to live along the coasts, the issue of assessing individual risk and finding solutions to limit their vulnerability is prominent. This article stresses the fact that vulnerability is directly associated with social inequality, meaning that the people who are most vulnerable tend to be less economically stable. In turn, this social inequality leads to people being less resilient to future hurricanes and less able to recover from them. The inequalities present in a community are brought to the forefront following a natural disaster, as many struggle to recover. Planning needs to reach beyond the “one-size-fits-all” strategy, since everyone is unique and deals with hazards differently.