Parker, D.J. and J.W. Handmer, 1998: The role of unofficial flood warning systems. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 6(1), 45-60.

The majority of research conducted on studying the effectiveness of flood warning systems is on official warning systems. However, people…

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National Weather Service, 2013: Hurricane/Post-Tropical Cyclone Sandy October 22-29, 2012. Service Assessment.

Hurricane/Post-Tropical Storm Sandy, also known as Superstorm Sandy, occurred on October 22-29, 2012. It originated as a hurricane in the…

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Morss, R.E., O.V. Wilhelmi, M.W. Downtown, and E. Gruntfest, 2005: Flood risk, uncertainty, and scientific information for decision making: Lessons from and interdisciplinary project. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 85 (11), 1593-1601.

This paper integrates a variety of researchers including climatologists, hydrologists, engineers, and planners. The aim of the study is to…

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