From Risk to Resiliency: Engaging the Public
In many communities across the country, flooding is a regular part of life.
Whether rivers and creeks rise several times a year, or only every few decades, every at-risk community needs to know what it can do to reduce losses from flooding. Focus on Floods focuses on ways that residents, businesses and governments in the Delaware River Basin can work together to prepare, and then share news about how to get ready for flooding in smart, safe ways that respect the environment. Focus on Floods includes information and materials for emergency managers, classroom teachers and floodplain residents. It also features a new projects and findings page. Take a tour of this site, and join us as we start a community conversation about the best ways to prepare for flooding — because floods happen, but with proper planning, we can lessen the loss.
Educational Materials
The Focus on Floods materials are available to educators, floodplain professionals, emergency management officials and others who are looking to learn more – and help educate others about flooding. We offer full-color posters, magnets and other materials that educators can use in the classroom or other setting. For more details about our educational materials, see our Resources page.